Carson Scott

- Name Carson Scott
- Phone (425) 818-1538
- Email
- Address WA
- Office Lee & Associates Comm R.E Serv
- Office Number (206) 624-2424
- Office Fax (206) 267-1457
- Office Address 600 University St Ste 2704 Seattle WA 98101
Carson’s Specialties
- None listed
- None listed
- None listed
- None listed
Active Listings

For Lease
105476 : The Winson Building
1507-0 Queen Anne Ave N
Seattle WA 98109-5736
10,011 SF

For Lease
105476 : The Winson Building
1507-0 Queen Anne Ave N
Seattle WA 98109-5736
10,011 SF

For Lease
104787 : 136th Avenue Office Park
1800-1808 136th Pl NE
Bellevue WA 98005-2319
26,920 SF
For Lease
109675 : Jonesco Business Center- Building 8800
8802-8826 122nd Ave NE
Kirkland WA 98033
9,250 SF

For Lease
104787 : 136th Avenue Office Park
1800-1808 136th Pl NE
Bellevue WA 98005-2319
26,920 SF